Sherman Liberty
A decentralized cell of freedom lovers in Sherman County, Oregon, with a mission to promote liberty through self-sufficiency, economic empowerment, and peaceful activism.
We advocate for the liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children. Children ought to be protected.
Each person ought to be able to offer goods and services to others free of government interference. We advocate for private property and for less taxes.
Individuals ought to be able to defend themselves, their families, and their property. We oppose government restrictions on firearms.

Our Strategy
Use local, self-directed efforts of volunteers. Not officially affiliated with any political party or committee, we do not function as a PAC or as a non-profit.
Organize education and skill sharing that falls under any of our three foundational pillars (Family, Economics, and Self-defense). We raise awareness of threats to these pillars.
Encourage decoupling and independence from systems deemed unworthy of support. We encourage peaceful non-compliance as appropriate and the building and supporting of alternative systems.
For those who need further elaboration…
Family / Children
There are only two sexes, male and female. These cannot be changed and we oppose the Progressive efforts to confuse this biological reality. Gender is an absurd social construction and ought to be dismissed.
Children are not capable of consenting to transitional hormone therapy or “gender re-assignment” surgery and, therefore, these acts done on children qualify as child abuse. Children ought to be protected.
We support the dissolution of the Oregon Department of Education due to its policies of forcing gender identity politics in Oregonian schools and due to its participation in institutional grooming.

The free market can provide necessary services, including medical care, security, investigations, or fire protection services. The government shouldn’t interfere with, much less monopolize, these or other industries. State regulation is counter to liberty and prosperity.
Self-defense / Firearms
You should be able to buy a machine gun on the Internet and have it delivered to your home. Do we need to elaborate further on this one?
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